Pacific is pleased to announce that we are now an approved supplier on Lot 8 – Audio Visual of enFrame’s ICT Framework. Under this Framework Pacific is able to deliver a range of audio visual solutions such as whole class teaching solutions, large space AV and specialist AV equipment such as SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disability) emersion and sensory spaces.
EnFrame has been working with schools, multi-academy trusts and ICT suppliers for over 30 years, assisting with ICT strategy, procurement, and business and financial advice. They have spent the last 4 years helping the education sector reach their Net Zero goals.
The enFrame ICT framework provides schools, academy trusts, and other institutions a one stop shop for all ICT and Technology goods and services. There are fully documented processes and templates available for every procurement scenario. EnFrame provides guidance through the process and can also provide
specialist ICT and Net Zero Consultancy to help customers develop their ICT Strategies and requirements where required.
For more information on enFrame visit their website Frameworks — enFrame or alternatively contact us here Contact – Pacific.